FACT: Video used in a social post gets more engagement.
FACT: The average watch time for a video is 15 seconds.
FACT: Facebook will penalize businesses for videos shorter than 90 seconds.
So which packs more punch? Longer videos or shorter videos?
In our experience, it doesn’t matter if it’s short or long: Know your audience, give them what they want content-wise and make it grab them in those first crucial first moments.
For example, we created a series of 12-second social posts for Kau, a local steakhouse restaurant with a great vibe and awesome food and drink. The people who eat at Kau tend to really enjoy a more high-energy and fun vibe, yet they require delicious food.
Knowing that, our idea was to whet someone’s appetite by using great shots of how a menu item is made and piling on lots of fun sound design. These shorter videos pack more punch. You end up watching them three or four times in a row, just because they’re so much fun and hunger-inducing. (We’ve heard more than a few stomach growling noises ourselves editing these.)
These shorter videos are a perfect alternative for the kind of high-energy, food-as-entertainment restaurant and bar environment that many diners are choosing these days. It brings a brand experience to a social media platform. It more vividly reminds people what you offer, and actually gives them a little of it to experience. (Insert stomach growl noise here.)
Want to bring smart thinking and engaging video content to your brand? We’re here to do just that. And thanks to Ink Photography Productions for their amazing production assistance.