Very small target. Very big reason.
May 18, 2023

Sometimes videos are produced for one specific target and purpose. In the case of this one, Oh Shoot Productions had the opportunity to help a relatively new North Carolina industry continue to grow.
Oyster farming in the state didn’t just start happening spontaneously. It took a collective effort of forward-thinking individuals to remove the barriers, including writing and passing legislation, loosening restrictions, and developing protections so that individuals could start their own farms. The purpose of this video was to show the very legislators in North Carolina that were key to the growth of oyster farming that their efforts are working, that they have indeed succeeded in creating an environment where an income-producing, jobs-creating industry can put their state in a competitive situation with other coastal states. Those legislators were the target.
The message was crafted to communicate the human element of the story, to show that real families are doing this work. Those families are helping their communities and building a better future for themselves and the state. The statistics helped prove that the effort is working, but also that there is a huge upside.
Oh Shoot Productions is honored to have been chosen to create this North Carolina oyster farming video. We met some fantastic people along the journey. We got to travel to some of the most beautiful areas in North Carolina. And best of all, we got to sample some of the product. There’s nothing like eating a fresh oyster while in a boat, shucked on the spot by the very farmer that cared for it for 14 months. Thank you, Cody Faison and Jeff Credle. And thank you Tom Looney for having the vision to create this video.